Reza Barati
Chemical and Petroleum Engineer
Reza Barati is a Don W. Green Professor of Petroleum Engineering and the Director of Tertiary Oil Recovery Program (TORP) at the University of Kansas (KU). He earned his PhD in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering from KU and worked for the Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute (EORI) in Wyoming before joining KU as a faculty in 2012. In addition to his academic career, Barati has extensively worked on several industry and state-funded projects as a consultant. He has also worked for Schlumberger, Halliburton, Kinder Morgan and Chesapeake Energy. Dr. Barati has authored or co-authored 50 peer-reviewed papers and is the editor of a Wily/AGU advanced textbook about Unconventional Reservoirs. He has received several SPE awards including the 2012 Petroleum Engineering Junior Faculty Research Initiation Award, the 2015 SPE Faculty Innovative Teaching Award, and the 2017 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering Technical Editor Award for outstanding service. He has been involved in several field scale projects during his time with Schlumberger, Kinder Morgan, EORI Chesapeake Energy and KU. He has been listed as one of the World’s Top 2% Scientists published by Stanford University in 2022.