Focusing on lowering the carbon impact for traditional hydrocarbons: Unlocking locked reserves: Drilling un-drillables, and predicting un-predictables, Saving millions of dollars for your assets
Drilling and production from deepwater and HPHT fields are among the most challenging operations in the conventional oil and gas industry. Due to significantly higher pressure and temperature, as well as a narrow mud weight window, safe drilling, completion, and production from these resources require advanced knowledge of the subsurface and cutting-edge technologies. TEVERRA’s personnel have extensive experience in modeling and designing deepwater and HPHT operations in the Gulf of Mexico, North Sea, offshore Africa, Pakistan, and the Caspian Sea.
We believe production from unconventional resources requires unconventional thinking
At TEVERRA, we pay special attention to the optimized development of unconventional resources. We are proud of our efficient contributions to the development of shale gas and tight gas resources in the UK and Pakistan. After completing an extensive experimental study on the Vaca Muerta shale, TEVERRA has gained significant knowledge to help operators in Argentina develop their shale assets more efficiently and economically
UK Bowland Shale Gas project
Tight gas project in Pakistan
Our Frac tip screen-out prediction product