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"TEVERRA Leads the Discussion on Geothermal Energy's Rise at SPE ATCE 2023"

Writer: HazhirHazhir

“TEVERRA's team participated at the last SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE), the leading technical energy conference and exhibition for global E&P professionals. ATCE is focused on leading the discussions around innovation in energy and the technology developments that are building the upstream industry's road to sustainable solutions and growth.


Joseph Batir and Jerjes Porlles participated in the panel with Philip J. Ball and Felipe Medellin. The panelists examined why geothermal energy, especially hot dry rocks, is gaining attention worldwide as an attractive and vastly underutilized renewable energy source due to its abundance, baseload capability, resiliency, and reliability. Developing these systems requires drilling into granitic basement formations, often at temperatures exceeding 300º C, and understanding the heat flow in hot dry rocks.”



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