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Turning vision into action with precision and strategy


Maximizing the value from your asset and reaching your goals

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  • We work closely with our clients to ensure actionable knowledge exchange 

  • Our goal is full satisfaction for our clients

  • We enjoy challenging and nerve-racking projects

Geothermal energy solution Geothermal DOE consultant Green energy saving energy subsurface solution DOE consulting carbon sol

TEVERRA consulting offers a wide range of services within subsurface engineering, artificial intelligence, and green energy solutions for the oil and gas industry, geothermal energy, and carbon storage markets. Our objective is to provide innovative solutions for transparent and optimized subsurface operations to make energy extraction as clean, safe, and low-cost as possible. We work closely with our clients to ensure that the scope of work and their requirements are fully understood. Our goal is to turn our projects into your success story.


Innovation is our passion


TEVERRA Research is dedicated to providing innovative solutions to the industry’s grand challenges. Our R&D team consists of experienced experts and young talented professionals working together to identify practical industry pain points and provide innovative and effective solutions for your operation. We are developing a novel technology portfolio and unique methodologies to help our clients make smarter decisions and have better, faster, and greener subsurface operations.


Easy projects are for experts, we are geeks

Geothermal energy solution Geothermal DOE consultant Green energy saving energy subsurface solution DOE consulting carbon sol

We are developing a technology portfolio to address your most nerve-racking challenges.

We carefully listen to understand your issues and creatively deliver value-driven solutions. 


Transferring real world knowledge and experiences

TEVERRA training designs and delivers practical courses on a wide range of topics related to the energy industry. We conduct public and tailored, in-house courses ranging from one to several days based on our clients’ needs using internationally recognized instructors. Our current training programs focus on energy transition with specialized topics on geothermal energy and subsurface carbon storage. TEVERRA’s goal is to transfer state-of-the-art knowledge to clients.


• Introduction to geothermal wells, power, and opportunities for the oil and gas industry • Geothermal resource evaluation in sedimentary basin settings • Rock mechanics testing for geothermal • Geothermal resource decisions • High temperature geomechanics • Enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) • Hydro-thermo-mechanical modeling • Geothermal well design and construction Geothermal drilling • Geothermal reservoir engineering

• Well design and construction • Underbalanced drilling (UBD) • Deviated and horizontal drilling • Casing and tubing design • Deepwater drilling design and operations • Dynamic pressure drilling • Formation pressure predictions

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